Above the Fold: Supply Chain Logistics News (July 26, 2024)
“Thank you for your service.” I have to admit, I never used to say that to active duty military men and women at the airport,
“Thank you for your service.” I have to admit, I never used to say that to active duty military men and women at the airport,
One of the side effects of my thyroid surgery is that I’ve grown a beard. It’s what happens when you stop shaving, as I did
Earlier this month, as reported by Katie Burke at CoStar News, UPS announced that beginning March 4 it is requiring all corporate employees to return
There is a butterfly in my neck.It’s been keeping me up at night, feeding off me, and making me anxious. It’s the beginning of a
It’s one of those Fridays, where I’m short on sleep, short on time, and have lots to do before the day is over. So, without
Maybe dying isn’t about not waking up one day; it’s about staying awake forever. Many years ago I wrote a short story that ended with
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